Monday, May 4, 2015

Bella's Story

Written By BF | Co-Written by Bella

I don't know what anyone is going through dealing with Lyme Disease, Chronic Lyme Disease and the Co-Infections. I had never heard of it until my best friend, Bella was diagnosed with Lyme Disease in 2002 (by Dr. Sweet, in Fort Myers, Florida) after being bit in 1996. She was misdiagnosed by other doctors for so many years and when finally diagnosed, it was too late as it was already in the late stage. She has been through 5 miscarriages. Sent to an Infectious Disease doctor (Dr. Kluge in Florida) after having a positive Elisa (Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay) Test the doctor wouldn’t hear of it that she has Lyme Disease. She was told she had a fever with a swollen spleen, and then sent to an Internist, then a Rheumatologist, then Aquatic Physical Therapy. All non LLMD’s saying she had Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue. The Physical Therapist told Bella she didn’t have either one, then read to her from a medical book, looked at her and said “…I really think you have Lyme Disease…” She asked the Physical Therapist to tell her doctors, which they did and she was taken off PT and put on muscle relaxers and anxiety meds.

She left home in 2008 in search of treatment in CT, NY & now in NC (her first 4 treatments and remissions were in Florida). She was so appreciative of her remissions to be able to dance, play, work and feel like herself again. Unfortunately, she fell ill with MRSA & relapsed again. She hasn't been able to do much of anything since. She was interviewed for "Into the Light" in hopes of walking again and much faith in medical system & treatments. “Into the Light” Gala for Lyme back in 2009 with new famous LLMD that was very involved in Andy Abrahams Wilson’s documentary "Under our Skin". During treatment the Edema was so extreme; she was so swollen and weighed 170 pounds.

She currently has Chronic Lyme Disease and many of the Co-Infections that go along with it. She is too sick and her body to frail for treatment at this point. But her current LLMD is working on that - improving her muscle atrophy with Aquatic Physical Therapy exercises in her bathtub, as well as Magnesium baths for cleansing & detoxing. She drinks most of her food made in a blender with organic veggies, fruits, with green powder with lots of minerals and adds protein powder, which is her breakfast. Her LLMD has made diet changes as well. She takes a lot of pills both holistic & pharmaceutical. She will take a lot more pills when treatment starts. She will be starting 2 new pharmaceuticals in hopes of making her body stronger and eat more. Then more blood tests and treatment for Borrelia, Bartonella (both types), Babesiosis, and Rocky Mountain Fever. She also has Stage 4 Endometriosis& Mono. She has a positive Elisa Test with bulls eye rash. Positive Western Blot with 9 bands, positive Necrotic Lyme node (said to be cancer initially in surgery), but proved to be Bartonella. Yet still no one treated her for Bartonella, or anything else. She has had a positive Spinal Tap & MRI showing white matter in brain suggesting progressive MS, however the Spinal Tap proved otherwise. No MS flags in Spinal Fluid, rather evidence of Lyme & Co-infections. She is currently in a wheelchair and has been for 6 years, since MRSA destroyed her body with lots of help from Lyme & Co's.

Now in 2014, weighing less than 90 pounds, still in a motorized wheelchair, bedridden, life has become harder each day. Her vision is going, which scares her. And, EXTREME PAIN is her main companion. Always with nausea, too much suffering! Her organs are under attack. She soaks in her magnesium filled tub, drinking water, listening to music to try and make herself feel better. Remembering the days of who she once was and wishing for the day to be that person again!

I wish every day I could be by her side and for “My Bella” to get better and be who she once was when I first met her, so full of life, love, and happiness! This disease is a growing epidemic with cases emerging regularly. I will continue to support this disease in whatever way I can and spread the word.

 Bella’s story … to be continued …


  1. So when it comes to LLMD's and doctors who treat "Lyme" disease the reason that they are somewhat a waste of time is that they are missing critical pieces of understanding. They treat "Lyme" disease as if it were just an infection, they assume the wrong dominant pathogen and they treat with something that never really worked that well to begin with. Apoptosis is the method your immune system uses to kill cancer cells and Mutated cells. "Lyme" disease shuts down apoptosis and you need to turn that back on.

    “The knowledge base about both Bartonella testing and treatment borders on the disastrous. Bartonella is one of the most common infections in the world. Calling it a "coinfection" is nonsense; if anything, Lyme is the "coinfection." It is found in vast numbers of common vectors, including dust mites, fleas, flea feces, pet saliva, and ticks. Amazingly, it can turn off or lower antibodies to Lyme disease, Babesia, Ehrlichia, Anaplasma, and even itself. Bartonella floats in blood and also enters all blood vessel walls without causing a fatal fever, and indeed actually lowers fevers. It is the ultimate stealth infection. It turns off antibodies, fevers, and immune function defense chemicals as it damages organs in 20 to 60 ways.”



    "Bartonella-associated endothelial proliferation depends on inhibition of apoptosis"


    “Bartonella are the only bacteria able to produce angiogenic tumors in humans, very much like the Agrobacterium species that produce tumors in plants”

    . Angiogenisis is when a tumor creates it’s own blood supply by growing blood vessels. These newly formed blood vessels are a result of a genetically induced growth caused by Bartonella changing human DNA.



    “Conjugative DNA transfer into human cells by the VirB/VirD4 type IV secretion system of the bacterial pathogen Bartonella henselae.”

    Now since Bartonella is the driving pathogen in lyme disease and since it causes mutated cells you need to restore apoptosis but LLMD’s haven’t even got anything that is efficient in removing the infection.



    “we actually never had antibiotics capable of eradicating an infection. All pathogens produce a small subpopulation of dormant persister cells that are highly tolerant to killing by antibiotics. Once an antibiotic concentration drops, surviving persisters re-establish the population, causing a relapsing chronic infection.”


    But I do.

  2. Hi dear friend of Bella's, Please call me, want to help Bella. My name is Maria & I can be reached on my cell, 570.317.6272

  3. Hi! I have added your blog link to my website at If you could link back it would be greatly appreciated!
